English Study Online Australia has been established since 2013. We are an online English school specialising in providing tailored language tuition. Our innovative, interactive online lessons provide students with the following key benefits:

  • Convenience of studying from any location – online
  • Proven teaching techniques with proven results
  • Choice of individual or group lessons (max. 5 students per class)
  • Fast tracking of student progress by focusing on specific areas to be improved
  • Practice tests under simulated exam conditions
  • Examination techniques to help achieve desired scores
  • All lessons are conducted via the GoToMeetingTM communication platform
  • We take a genuine interest in helping students to succeed and achieve their goals

Our Teachers

  • Over 40 years combined ESL teaching experience
  • are native English speakers
  • enjoy instructing international students
  • have experience teaching abroad and living in foreign countries
  • are highly knowledgeable in examination techniques and procedures
  • have additional specialisations in other fields including, research, education, accounting, sports science and business management



  • Master of Education (TESOL)
  • Graduate Certificate (TESOL)
  • TESOL Trainer
  • Specialist in IELTS and Cambridge examination techniques 
  • Bachelor of Applied Science Rural Management
  • Former Academic Manager and Trainer
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Literacy & Numeracy Interviewer
  • Presenter at national conferences

Teaching students from all walks of life is something I am very passionate about. I have been very fortunate to teach young children through to adults and even train other teachers during my career. The thing that gives me most satisfaction is seeing a student develop and grow as they undertake their journey to study English. I also take great pride in helping students to achieve their goals when undertaking exams such as the IELTS test.



  • 18 years teaching English to adults and children
  • Bachelor of Human Movement Science
  • Specialist course experience including TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL & EIKEN
  • Fluent Japanese speaker
  • Curriculum design and implementation experience

One thing I enjoy about teaching is sharing in the learning experience. There are many ways to learn, but I think that the advantage of studying with a teacher is that the teacher can share knowledge, experience and strategies on how to study most effectively. I look forward to helping you realise your English goals.



  • Extensive experience teaching TESOL adults and children
  • Bachelor of Accounting & Finance
  • Specialist course experience including Business, TOEIC, IELTS & EIKEN
  • Trainer of ESL teachers
  • Area and Branch Manager of English Language schools in Japan
  • Curriculum design and implementation experience

The thing I love about teaching is the opportunity to meet so many different individuals. Each student has their own unique story. It’s interesting to hear about their English learning journey. The greatest reward however is helping students to achieve their goals.


Chikako Wakashima


Think i would've given up studying english if i wouldn't of met Jane, because i just couldn't understand anything.
But jane taught me thoroughly even after the class, so i could keep studying english.
I'm really appreciate that.


Terry YW kim

 (South Korea)

The IELTS online classes have drastically improved my english speaking ability. Jane was excellent in guiding me through a wide range of subjects while not giving me the answer to the questions. This class has not only helped me achieve a desired score for IELTS but has increased my confidence to engage in daily english conversations.

덕분에 영어 정말 많이 늘었어요~ 항상 감사드려요!

Alex Verdugo


Jane has been one of the best teachers I've ever had classes with. She not only helped me to improve my fluency or to soften my strong accent, but also to push myself towards a more advance level. 

Jane ha sido una de las mejores profesoras de inglés que he tenido. Ella no solamente me ayudó a mejorar mi fluidez o a suavizar mi acento, sino que también me impulsó hacia un nivel más avanzado.

Miju Lee

 (South Korea)

Hi, my name is MiJu Lee from Korea. I took IELTS speaking tests online couple of times. I think it's a good opportunity to check my IELTS level. It doesn't matter where you are, it only needs a laptop and a headset. The testers were very kind and you could know the score just after the test.

안녕하세요, 저는 한국에 사는 이미주라고 합니다. 저는 아이엘츠 스피킹 테스트에 몇번 참여했습니다. 자신의 아이엘츠 레벨을 손쉽게 확인할 수 있는 좋은 방법이라 생각합니다. 노트북과 헤드셋만 있으면 장소에 구애 받지 않고 테스트에 참여할 수 있습니다. 시험관들도 모두 친절했고, 특히 제 점수를 시험이 끝난 직후 바로 확안할 수 있어 좋았습니다.

Sevastiyan Kostov


My name is Sevastiyan Kostov, an engineer from Bulgaria. I came to Australia in order to do Skill Assessment. Requirement of Engineers of Australia are min score of 7 of each module of IELTS. My first IELTS test I made score of 6 in Speaking and this failed the score I was aiming for. I started working with Jane Henry, and my first impression was that her teaching style was too fun and loose (quite different from my Eastern European understanding for a teacher). However during all this fun and laughing she is able somehow to push you to work hard on your weaknesses for the test. Being an IELTS examiner herself, she knows the test in depth, and she is aware about all small tricks and tips, that will support your success. After few weeks of her online training later I did the test again, honestly I was feeling I was having too much fun and had the feeling that I wasn’t as hard prepared as for my first attempt, but when the results came out I scored overall 8!  I highly recommend Jane Henry as an English teacher, since she is one of these rare professionals who are able to turn the hard and boring task as beating the IELTS test into such а fun experience.

Казвам се Севастиян Костов и съм инженер от България. Дойдох в Австралия с цел Професионална Емиграция. Изискванията на Австралийската Инженерна Камара са минимум резултат 7 от всеки модул на ИЕЛТС. НА моят първи ИЕЛТС получих резултат 6 на Speaking, което провали резултатът към който се стремях. Започнах да уча заедно с Джейн Хенри, и първите ми впечатления от нейният стил на преподаване беше, че е прекалено забавно и отпуснато и няма много общо с моите Източноевропейски представи за учител. При всичкият този смях, тя някак успява да те накара да работиш върху слабите си страни за теста. Тъй като тя самата е ИЕЛТС изпитващ, тя познава теста в дълбочина, и е наясно със малки трикове и улеснения, които обаче помагат за успешното вземане на теста. След няколко седмици онлайн работа с нея по-късно, положих теста отново, честно казано мислех, че съм се забавлявал прекалено много и не се чувствах толкова подготвен колкото за първият ми опит, но когато резултатите излязоха бях постигнал общ резултат по всички модули 8! Горещо препоръчвам Джейн Хенри като преподавател по английски, тъй като тя е от тези редки професионалисти, които успяват да превърнат отегчителна и тежка задача като преборването на IELTS теста в забавно преживяване.